PREF and VCAB Collaborate to present the Veterans Research Town Hall
Originally published August 15, 2022.
The Philadelphia Research and Education Foundation (PREF) supports the Veterans Research Town Hall through collaboration with the VA’s Veterans Community Advisory Board. This hybrid in-person and online event will be held September 8th, 2022, 10 a.m. to noon, EDT. Register Now!
The Philadelphia Research and Education Foundation (PREF) has become much more than a flexible funding mechanism. As a standalone, 501(c)3 nonprofit, our mission is to lead the nation in advancing Veterans’ health and well-being through research and education. Formed in November 2000, PREF serves as a flexible funding mechanism for the conduct of approved research and education. This unique public/private partnership was formed in 1998 and dramatically broadened the VA’s ability to benefit from private and non-VA public support for research conducted at VA medical centers.
To move that mission forward, PREF has three full-time administrative employees, 18 active principal investigators, 22 active research studies, and 18 project employees each making substantial contributions impacting Veterans. To date, PREF has managed over 200 research and education projects and currently oversees more than $2.8 million in cash assets.
As a partner to the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center (CMCVAMC), PREF consistently seeks ways to further the VA mission through collaborative research projects. One of those projects is the Samaha Award—named in honor and memory of Dr. Rick Samaha, to reflect his enormous contributions to education, research and scholarship at the Crescenz VA prior to his death.
Given annually, the $1,000 award, designated for Junior and Senior Residents, recognizes scientific merit and academic excellence in a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal. Special consideration is given to research in—or relevant to—Veteran populations and/or with VA-based faculty mentors. PREF is proud to have issued 12 Samaha awards since the award was first offered in 2008.
VCAB Members at CMCVAMC Health Fair
Since the first Veterans Research Town Hall in 2019, PREF has committed resources and staff to assist the Veterans Community Advisory Board (VCAB) and the VA Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP) to offer relevant, Veteran-focused content highlighting the impact of research. For the 2022 Townhall, PREF is pleased to provide virtual and onsite support, registration prizes, and a dedicated webpage for the Veterans Research Town Hall.
CLICK HERE to register to attend!
PLEASE NOTE: in-person attendance is limited to 30 people. To RSVP to attend in person, please send an email to
To learn more about PREF and VA related research, visit